Did you know you could save money by switching to time of day rates? Take advantage of our these rates and save money by using energy during off-peak hours. Find out more below in the time of day rate schedule. If you have any questions, or would like to change to these rates, give our office a call at (828) 452-2281!
At the option of the Cooperative, this schedule is only available on a voluntary and limited basis. This rate shall be limited to the availability of appropriate meters and will be limited further by the saturation and/or impact on the Cooperative’s electric system of members utilizing this rate schedule in a general area.
Service under this schedule is applicable to members with single-phase or three-phase service who are otherwise billed on the Cooperative’s Small General Service rate schedules (Schedules 10, 11, or 14) who have established an average monthly energy use of 1,200 kWh.
The type of service available under this schedule shall be single-phase, 60 cycles, at 120/240 volts, and where available, three-phase at this and other secondary voltages. All motors must be of types approved by the Cooperative, with minimum starting current and with controlling devices where necessary.
Basic Facilities Charges:
Single Phase $ 32.50 per month
Three Phase $ 66.00 per month
Demand Charges:
Maximum On-Peak kW
Summer (June – October) $ 15.50 per kW
Winter (November – May) $ 13.20 per kW
Maximum Monthly kW $ 2.75 per kW
Energy Charges:
Summer (June – October)
All On-Peak kWhs 8.40¢ per kWh
All Off-Peak kWhs 7.00¢ per kWh
Winter (November – May)
All On-Peak kWhs 7.14¢ per kWh
A. Winter Periods – October 16 through April 15
1. On-Peak Hours – 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. weekdays, excluding designated holidays.
2. Off-Peak Hours – Off-peak hours are all hours other than those shown in paragraph “A1” above.
B. Summer Periods – April 16 through October 15
1. On-Peak Hours – 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays, excluding designated holidays.
2. Off-Peak Hours – Off-peak hours are all hours other than those shown in paragraph “B1” above.
C. All hours of the following holidays shall be considered as off-peak:
New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
Rate Schedule 22 (single-phase)
Rate Schedule 23 (three-phase up to 50 kVA)
Rate Schedule 31 (three-phase greater than 50 kVA)
At the Cooperative’s option, this schedule is available only on a voluntary and limited basis. This rate shall be limited to the availability of appropriate meters and will be limited further by the saturation and/or impact on the Cooperative’s electric system of members utilizing the rate schedule in a general area.
Service under the schedule is applicable to members who qualify for service on any of the Cooperative’s Large General Service Schedule 20, 21, or 30.
The type of service available under this schedule shall be single-phase, 60 cycles, at 120/240 volts, and where available, three-phase at this and other secondary voltages. All motors must be of types approved by the Cooperative, with minimum starting current and with controlling devices where necessary.
Basic Facilities Charges:
Single-Phase $ 60.00 per month
Up to 50 kVA $ 102.50 per month
Over 50 kVA $ 207.25 per month
Demand Charges:
Maximum On-Peak kW
Summer (June – October) $ 15.25 per kW
Winter (November – May) $ 12.20 per kW
Maximum Monthly kW $ 4.75 per kW
Energy Charge:
Summer (June – October)
All On-Peak kWhs 6.63¢ per kWh
All Off-Peak kWhs 4.74¢ per kWh
Winter (November – May)
All On-Peak kWhs 5.64¢ per kWh
All Off-Peak kWhs 4.03¢ per kWh
A. Winter Periods – October 16 through April 15
1. On-Peak Hours – 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. weekdays, excluding designated holidays.
2. Off-Peak Hours – Off-peak hours are all hours other than those shown in paragraph “A1” above.
B. Summer Periods – April 16 through October 15
1. On-Peak Hours – 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays, excluding designated holidays.
2. Off-Peak Hours – Off–peak hours are all hours other than those shown in paragraph “B1” above.
C. All hours of the following holidays shall be considered as off-peak:
New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving
Day, Day after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.