Haywood EMC currently has vacancies in District 2 and District 4 on the Board of Directors.
The areas covered in District 2 are outlined below:
North of US 64 from Brevard to the Haywood County line and US 64 to the intersection of NC 281/Lower White Water Road then northwest to the Jackson County line including the communities of Cold Mountain, Lake Toxaway Country Club, Balsam Grove, Bear Lake, Caney Fork, Charlie's Creek, Cradle of Forestry, Davidson River, Quebec, Silversteen, Tuckasegee, Cherryfield. Including surrounding communities.
The areas covered in District 4 are outlined below:
Beantown, Black Camp Gap, Cherokee, Fie Top, Heaths Peak, Hemphill, Jonathan Creek, Maggie Valley, Sheepback, Shelton Cove, Soco, Sutton Town, Utah Mountain, south side of Hwy. 209 at the intersection of Hwy. 209 and I-40. The southwest side of Iron Duff Road to Coleman Mountain to Hwy. 276 Jonathan Creek and south of wind tunnel to Heaths Peak. Including surrounding communities.
Do you have an interest in serving your fellow member-owners? Serving on the board of Haywood EMC means making a difference locally by using your individual talents to help guide big decisions about the cooperative to benefit the greater WNC community. Serving on the board of Haywood EMC means attending monthly board meetings held during the weekday and lasting 3 to 4 hours, as well as the ability to attend special meetings and events along with travel for training.
Interested in seeking election to the Board?
Director candidates must meet director qualifications, outlined in the Haywood EMC Bylaws. The candidate questionnaire forms are now available to pickup at the Waynesville HQ office or by contacting our office at 828-452-2281. Questionnaire forms must be returned by 5pm on Monday, February 3rd to be considered.